• 01.10.16

    Predictions on the Future of Digital Media

    It's pundit time - this time, digital media style. Last year I predicted challenges to YouTube's dominance in online video, a beginning of cord cutting and the unbundling of video services, and an explosion in short form video content. This year the media landscape will continue to shift as VR ...

  • 01.08.16

    New Venue for Youth Sports: The Civil-and Criminal-Courts

    Last month there were two legal developments in California that may have a substantial impact on youth sports: felony assault and battery charges against a 15-year-old high school water polo player for breaking an opponent's nose during a game, and a case allowed to proceed to trial next spring ...

  • 01.04.16

    Sports Ethical Dilemma: 105 MPH Fastball vs. Domestic Violence Allegations

    Last week the Speaker of the NYC City Council, whose district includes parts of the Bronx near Yankee Stadium, said that she is considering boycotting Yankee games next season because the Yankees recently acquired, in a trade with the Cincinnati Reds, Aroldis Chapman, who has been the subject ...

  • 01.01.16

    Digital Media Trends That Will Define 2016

    Unlike the mega-M&A that dominated digital media in 2014 (Disney/Maker Studios, Apple/Beats Music, Facebook/Oculus), one story dominated digital media in 2015: Netflix and an increasing number of premium content-focused over-the-top video services ascended and accelerated the unbundling of ...

  • 12.28.15

    Odell Beckham Jr.'s Disciplinary Proceeding Is A Model Of Sports Justice And Efficiency

    Sunday, December 20, Odell Beckham, Jr., of the New York Giants was accused of committing on-field unnecessary roughness, on the following day he was suspended for a game by an NFL official subordinate to the Commissioner, two days later Beckham's appeal was denied and December 27, he served ...

  • 12.24.15

    A Closer Look at 'Accidental Contracts'

    It's not all that unusual to see such a term sheet calling for, say, a 20-day due diligence period. This is apparently supposed to be impressive to the seller, showing that the buyer is a can-do player. Unfortunately, unless the title work and survey have already been completed, it is very ...

  • 12.21.15

    Platini's Non-Attendance at FIFA Ethics Committee Meeting Is a Non-Event

    As has been reported for some time, on Monday, December 21, FIFA's ethics court is expected to ban Michel Platini, the president of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), and Sepp Blatter, the currently suspended president of FIFA, from soccer activities for a long period, if not ...

  • 12.17.15

    University of Maryland Stadium Name Change Raises More Questions Than Answers

    In the world outside of sports there has been controversy recently on how or even whether to honor historical figures who have been judged in retrospect to have acted in ways that are now considered to be unacceptable. It was inevitable that this controversy would also arise in the world of ...

  • 12.15.15

    Brady to Court: Accusations of Phone Destruction Are 'Irrelevant'

    The brief filed by Tom Brady's lawyers last week in the Deflategate case acknowledges that the public was "inflamed" when it heard that Mr. Brady's cell phone had been destroyed on the very day that he was interviewed by the NFL investigator. But the brief argues that this blatant ...

  • 12.14.15

    New 'Waters of the U.S.' Rule on Hold: Enduring Debate Creates Uncertainty for Developers

    In 1985, the U.S. Supreme Court issued the first of three key decisions interpreting the phrase "waters of the U.S." to define the scope of federal permitting jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act. Thirty years, three Supreme Court decisions, and one million comments later, the U.S. Army Corps ...



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