• 11.21.16

    Choosing Hobson's Choice

    "Hobson's Choice" - the 1954 version, directed by David Lean - is the sort of movie that justifies the lament "they don't make 'em like this anymore." Featuring a charming story, snappy dialogue, and a talented cast (including the great Charles Laughton as the ...

  • 04.14.16

    California Appellate Practice: By the Numbers

    "I was told there would be no math; that's why I went into law" is the trite refrain of many lawyers with liberal arts backgrounds. But, of course, law practice does require math: e.g., calculating damages by percentage of fault; calculating 10 percent interest per annum on most money ...

  • 03.26.12

    You've Got to Know When and How to Ask: A Look at Eight Years of 'Certified' Questions to the ...

    Until very recently, federal and out-of-state courts confronting an unsettled issue of California law were forced to guess at how the California Supreme Court would resolve the issue and then undertake to decide the case. Neither federal courts sitting in diversity nor sister-state courts applying ...

  • 03.23.12

    'Macomber' Highlights Danger In Appealing Fee, Cost Awards

    Isn't appealing from the judgment sufficient to challenge a fee or cost award made pursuant to that judgment? Sometimes, but frequently not.Like other notice-of-appeal issues, there are plenty of traps for the unwary who appeal fee and cost awards. When and how to appeal depends on a number of ...

  • 07.15.11

    Finality & Remittitur: What Goes Up Must Come Down

    Sir Isaac Newton and Sammy Davis Jr. (courtesy of Blood, Sweat and Tears) understood a universal law: What goes up, must come down. This applies as much to appellate litigation as gravity. Cases start and end in the trial court. The notice of appeal is the jurisdictional document (filed by a ...

  • 06.02.11

    Ninth Circuit Widens Split on Copyright Registration Issue

    This article was originally published in the May 28, 2010 issue of the Los Angeles Daily Journal and the San Francisco Daily Journal.The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals finally has chosen sides in a slowly developing dispute over a technical but important issue—namely, whether a ...

  • 06.22.08

    Fighting Words

    Some judicial opinions and orders are ensconced in legal lore. 

  • 04.18.06

    'Palmer' Clarifies Valid Written Notice of an Entry of Judgment

    Properly calendaring judgment-notwithstanding-the-verdict and new-trial motions is especially important because timing traps for the unwary exist at both ends of the process.



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