Irving Quoted in AARP on Decrease of Ageist Stereotypes in Online Images

AARP Report: Ageist Stereotypes in Online Images Declining

Manatt Health National Advisor Paul Irving was quoted in AARP discussing the recent rise in positive portrayals of older consumers in the media, such as in the fashion, hospitality and health care sectors. 

According to the article, a higher percentage of online images convey that older adults are more active, technology savvy and fashionable compared to the majority of images from previous years. Irving noted that this improvement in how aging is viewed is not surprising, with an Emmy being recently awarded to a TV series in which a woman in her 70s plays a 60-year-old comedian in addition to the increase of older social media influencers. “There’s much more attention being paid to older consumers in fashion, in hospitality, in health and other sectors,” he said. “The good news is things are moving — and I think moving in the right direction. If there’s bad news, it's that it’s not moving fast enough.” 

Read the full article here



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