Thought Leadership

Privacy Considerations for Navigating COVID-19

As companies develop policies and procedures to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, company leadership would do well to consider the limitations and prohibitions on the processing of employee information under federal and state privacy laws, as well as those in any internal company policies.

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CSBS Reports On Progress in Implementing Vision 2020

What progress has the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) made in implementing the 2019 recommendations of the Fintech Industry Advisory Panel (the “Advisory Panel”) related to Vision 2020, its bold approach to modernizing and streamlining the state licensing and supervision of fintech companies?

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Estimating the ROI of Telehealth Programs

The literature speaking to the ROI of telehealth is decidedly mixed.

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Promotional Review Best Practices: 8 Key Questions and Answers

The promotional review process requires a critical balance between ensuring materials achieve business goals and complying with regulatory constraints.

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Manatt, Vorhaus Digital Strategy Study Reveals Traditional TV Is Not Dead

We are pleased to announce, in conjunction with Vorhaus Advisors, our release of the inaugural Digital Strategy Study, which analyzes the state of media and content consumption.

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Three Essential Components of a Great Acquisition Strategy

Technology acquisition decisions are fraught with complexity. Companies have a wide range of options other than acquisition, and sometimes it’s difficult to assess which path is the best way forward.

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Experiential Entertainment as a Direct-to-Consumer Platform

In Star Trek: The Experience, you began your journey in the History of the Future, an exhibition of actual costumes and props used over the TV series’ history.

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Three Years After Revamp, Regulation A Offerings Remain Work in Progress

Manatt’s Brian Korn, co-chair of the firm’s financial services group, was quoted by Law360 for an article on new data surrounding Regulation A offerings.

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