Thought Leadership

Commercial Co-Ventures/Cause Marketing: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations

Opportunities to sponsor events and partner with other brands can be powerful tools for building awareness, expanding reach, and offering fresh content and experiences that capture new audiences and re-engage existing ones.

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Promotional Review Best Practices: 8 Key Questions and Answers

The promotional review process requires a critical balance between ensuring materials achieve business goals and complying with regulatory constraints.

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Manatt, Vorhaus Digital Strategy Study Reveals Traditional TV Is Not Dead

We are pleased to announce, in conjunction with Vorhaus Advisors, our release of the inaugural Digital Strategy Study, which analyzes the state of media and content consumption.

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The Arrival of Peak TV

We are living in a time that has been coined “peak TV,” thanks in large part to the sheer amount of content that is available to viewers.

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Three Essential Components of a Great Acquisition Strategy

Technology acquisition decisions are fraught with complexity. Companies have a wide range of options other than acquisition, and sometimes it’s difficult to assess which path is the best way forward.

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Strategies and Success Factors in Innovation

The rise of disruptive startups with fresh solutions has fueled to new levels the demand for corporations to innovate.

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Manatt Represents Bertelsmann in its $121M Sale of OnCourse Learning to Adtalem Global Education

Manatt’s Scott Schwartz, a partner in the corporate and finance group, led a team representing Bertelsmann and its subsidiary OnCourse Learning in the approximately $121 million sale of OnCourse’s financial services education business to Adtalem Global Education.

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Experiential Entertainment as a Direct-to-Consumer Platform

In Star Trek: The Experience, you began your journey in the History of the Future, an exhibition of actual costumes and props used over the TV series’ history.

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BlueVine Capital Secures $75M Credit Line

The Daily Journal covered Manatt@s representation of Blue Vine Capital Inc. in negotiating a $75 million warehouse credit line. Sophia Yen, a partner in the firm@s entertainment and media practice, led the team that handled the negotiations for BlueVine.BlueVine, launched about four years ago, offers business owners access to capital through its online financing platform. The company offers a...

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Manatt Digital Startup Launchpad Winner Announced

SBC News covered Manatt Digital@s announcement of the winner of its Startup Launchpad contest held in conjunction with Narus Advisors. Maestro, a broadcast engagement platform, won the grand prize of $50,000 in professional services from Manatt and Narus.The other two finalists, Vantage Sports and, took advantage of the opportunity of being on stage in front of an audience of...

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