Thought Leadership

Key HIPAA Changes in Light of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly caused at least a temporary restructuring of the U.S. healthcare system.

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From the C-Suite to the Boardroom: Triaging Disruption in a Time of Crisis

As the novel coronavirus continues to threaten business as usual, companies are looking at their crisis response plans to triage disruption and ensure resiliency.

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An Updated Practical Guide for Small Businesses to Obtain a Paycheck Protection Loan Under CARES Act

On April 2, 2020 and April 4, 2020, the Small Business Administration (SBA) issued unusual interim final rules (the Rules) providing further detail regarding Paycheck Protection Program loans under the CARES Act. The Rules will take effect immediately upon publication in the Federal Register.

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Emerging Companies and COVID-19 Two-Part Series

Like the rest of the business community, emerging startup companies are being presented with new and unexpected challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Congressional Action—Lending Programs and Relief Provisions Under the CARES Act

On March 27, 2020, President Donald Trump signed into law the CARES Act, an approximately $2 trillion stimulus package to mitigate the adverse economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Emerging Company Fundraising: What to Expect as a Result of COVID-19

As has become clear to all of us, the devastating spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has created a public health crisis, disrupted the global economy and challenged us to rethink the fundamental considerations of all businesses, especially the economic imperatives for emerging companies.

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COVID-19: Evolving Cybersecurity Considerations for Businesses

Businesses’ responses to the COVID-19 health crisis, and in particular the increased demands for personnel to work remotely, present increased security risks and considerations.

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Privacy Considerations for Navigating COVID-19

As companies develop policies and procedures to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, company leadership would do well to consider the limitations and prohibitions on the processing of employee information under federal and state privacy laws, as well as those in any internal company policies.

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Telehealth Service Expansion Related to COVID-19

Congress, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), states and private payers have all acted over the past 10 days to dramatically expand access to telehealth services.

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TCPA, State Telemarketing Bans and Coronavirus—What You Should Know

COVID-19 is having a widespread impact on our communities and businesses, including the ability to place telephone calls under the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and state law equivalents.

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Key Topics