Thought Leadership

COVID-19: Evolving Cybersecurity Considerations for Businesses

Businesses’ responses to the COVID-19 health crisis, and in particular the increased demands for personnel to work remotely, present increased security risks and considerations.

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Privacy Considerations for Navigating COVID-19

As companies develop policies and procedures to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, company leadership would do well to consider the limitations and prohibitions on the processing of employee information under federal and state privacy laws, as well as those in any internal company policies.

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Telehealth Service Expansion Related to COVID-19

Congress, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), states and private payers have all acted over the past 10 days to dramatically expand access to telehealth services.

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TCPA, State Telemarketing Bans and Coronavirus—What You Should Know

COVID-19 is having a widespread impact on our communities and businesses, including the ability to place telephone calls under the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and state law equivalents.

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A Message From Our CEO on COVID-19

The uncertainty of the past several weeks has clarified what is most important—the well-being and safety of our families, colleagues and communities.

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FDIC Offers De Novo Guidance for Nontraditional Applicants

In an attempt to help non-banks and fintechs understand the de novo application process, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) released new materials, including a supplement to its Deposit Insurance Application Procedures Manual (the Supplement) that describes special considerations and procedures for unique or complex proposals, such as those submitted by nontraditional...

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The SEC Proposes to Expand Capital-Raising Opportunities for Reg D, Reg A and Crowdfunding Offerings

On March 4, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued proposed rules to simplify certain aspects of exempt offerings with the goal of expanding access to capital for issuers and increasing opportunities for investors. The proposed rules are set forth in SEC Release No. 33-10763.

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CSBS Reports On Progress in Implementing Vision 2020

What progress has the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) made in implementing the 2019 recommendations of the Fintech Industry Advisory Panel (the “Advisory Panel”) related to Vision 2020, its bold approach to modernizing and streamlining the state licensing and supervision of fintech companies?

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Estimating the ROI of Telehealth Programs

The literature speaking to the ROI of telehealth is decidedly mixed.

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Manatt Fintech: What to Expect in 2020

Taking a break after eight brisk years of regulatory and litigious turbulence, the world of fintech and marketplace lending in 2019 was notable for being more business as usual, or what some might call a “ho hum” year of upward growth.

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Key Topics