Thought Leadership

The SEC Proposes to Expand Capital-Raising Opportunities for Reg D, Reg A and Crowdfunding Offerings

On March 4, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued proposed rules to simplify certain aspects of exempt offerings with the goal of expanding access to capital for issuers and increasing opportunities for investors. The proposed rules are set forth in SEC Release No. 33-10763.

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CSBS Reports On Progress in Implementing Vision 2020

What progress has the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) made in implementing the 2019 recommendations of the Fintech Industry Advisory Panel (the “Advisory Panel”) related to Vision 2020, its bold approach to modernizing and streamlining the state licensing and supervision of fintech companies?

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Estimating the ROI of Telehealth Programs

The literature speaking to the ROI of telehealth is decidedly mixed.

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Manatt Fintech: What to Expect in 2020

Manatt Financial Services partners Brian Korn and Neil Faden as well as associates Benjamin Brickner and June Kim authored an article for Lend Academy on the fintech ecosystem. The article provides@an overview of the fintech industry in 2019 as well as things to watch in 2020, including:OCC Fintech charters;securitization issues;the impact of a potential recession;upstream capital credit...

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Manatt Fintech: What to Expect in 2020

Taking a break after eight brisk years of regulatory and litigious turbulence, the world of fintech and marketplace lending in 2019 was notable for being more business as usual, or what some might call a “ho hum” year of upward growth.

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Commercial Co-Ventures/Cause Marketing: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations

Opportunities to sponsor events and partner with other brands can be powerful tools for building awareness, expanding reach, and offering fresh content and experiences that capture new audiences and re-engage existing ones.

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CSBS Seeks Comment on Model Law for Money Services Businesses

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) has proposed legislation for adoption by the states in an effort to streamline and make uniform requirements for money service businesses (MSBs).

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Upcoming Changes to EB-5 Visa Regulations for Foreign Investors

In January 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposed to change the EB-5 Visa regulations to raise the minimum investment thresholds for eligibility, modify designations and definitions relating to targeted employment areas, and enhance regional center oversight.

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Three Essential Components of a Great Acquisition Strategy

Technology acquisition decisions are fraught with complexity. Companies have a wide range of options other than acquisition, and sometimes it’s difficult to assess which path is the best way forward.

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Strategies and Success Factors in Innovation

The rise of disruptive startups with fresh solutions has fueled to new levels the demand for corporations to innovate.

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Key Topics