• 01.10.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, January 10, 2017

    Physician groups and American Enterprise Institute authors come out against ACA repeal without a replacement; Hawaii’s 1332 waiver is the first to receive federal approval; and North Carolina’s Governor moves to expand Medicaid.

  • 01.05.17

    VR/AR—The Look Ahead (and All Around...) in Advertising

    Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have achieved considerable success as marketing tools, with even greater growth predicted for the future.

  • 01.05.17

    Manatt on Medicaid: Monthly Expansion Recap, December 2016

    The Arkansas Health Reform Legislative Task Force met for the last time to approve its final report, which includes findings and recommendations on health coverage in Arkansas, including the finding that continuing Medicaid expansion would save the State $637 million from 2017 to 2021.

  • 12.29.16

    FTC Rules Against "All Natural" Sunscreen Maker

    In a final order, the Federal Trade Commission granted summary decision against California Naturel, Inc. for falsely advertising its sunscreen products as "all natural" when a synthetic ingredient constituted eight percent of the formula.

  • 12.22.16

    FTC Reports on Disclosure Workshop

    Following its September workshop, the Federal Trade Commission published a report on “Putting Disclosures to the Test.”

  • 12.22.16

    Insider Trading: Supreme Court Affirms Salman

    On December 6, 2016 the Supreme Court decided Salman v. U.S., in which it upheld the petitioner’s insider trading conviction.

  • 12.21.16

    VR Holiday Check-In

    Around this time last year we were all looking forward to what we thought would be the biggest year yet for VR, when consumers would finally be able to get their hands on the major U.S. headsets. The year 2016 was indeed a major milestone in the timeline of VR, marked with a lot of experimentation, ...

  • 12.21.16

    Capping Federal Medicaid Funding: Key Financing Issues for States

    President-elect Donald Trump and Republican congressional leadership have called for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and a fundamental overhaul of the Medicaid program that would include imposing caps on federal funding to states.

  • 12.21.16

    CFPB Warns Financial Institutions About Incentives

    Use caution when creating incentives for employees and service providers to meet sales and other business goals, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warned financial institutions in a new Compliance Bulletin.

  • 12.21.16

    CFPB Warns Financial Institutions About Incentives

    Use caution when creating incentives for employees and service providers to meet sales and other business goals, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warned financial institutions in a new Compliance Bulletin.



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