• 06.26.17

    The Senate’s New Per Capita Cap Redistribution Policy

    On June 22, Senate leadership released its proposed substitute for the House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA), the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 (BCRA), as a discussion draft.

  • 06.23.17

    House Approves Rollback of Post-Recession Financial Reforms

    In a party line vote, the House of Representatives approved the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017. If signed into law, this legislation would profoundly alter the financial services regulatory landscape put in place after the 2007–08 financial crisis.

  • 06.22.17

    Supreme Court: FDCPA Doesn’t Cover Owned Debt

    A bank or other person may collect debts that it purchased for its own account without triggering the statutory requirements of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, a unanimous Supreme Court recently ruled.

  • 06.22.17

    HIPAA and Emerging Technologies

    Cybersecurity is a high priority across the Trump administration. In April, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it will establish a cyberthreat nerve center, modeled after Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, to assess ...

  • 06.22.17

    Suit Over Hospitals’ Alleged Anticompetitive Marketing Sent to Trial

    Conspiracies between competitors can be hard to prove, even when other parties to the alleged conspiracy have settled.

  • 06.22.17

    Website, Mobile App Get Changes Thanks to CARU

    A new decision from the Children’s Advertising Review Unit demonstrates the self-regulatory body’s efforts to work with a mobile application and website operator to ensure it complies with CARU’s guidelines and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

  • 06.22.17

    CFPB Encourages Changes to Deferred Interest Promotions

    Deferred interest promotions should be more transparent, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau told retail credit card companies in letters encouraging recipients to be more open with consumers.

  • 06.21.17

    Iowa Submits Sweeping 1332 Waiver Seeking Emergency Relief

    On June 12, Iowa submitted a sweeping Section 1332 waiver that would replace the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) premium tax credits with a new state-administered tax credit and a reinsurance program.

  • 06.20.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, June 20, 2017

    Senate health reform bill to be made public Thursday; CMS Actuary releases its AHCA coverage and cost projections; and new analysis finds Marketplace rate increases are being driven by the Trump Administration’s lack of commitment to making cost-sharing reduction payments.

  • 06.16.17

    Class Certification Denial Reversed in Wake of Augustus

    Applying the California Supreme Court’s recent decision in Augustus v. ABM Security Services, a California appellate panel reversed a trial court’s denial of a class certification motion and remanded the case.



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