• 04.18.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, April 18, 2017

    The focus is on the Marketplaces this week as CMS publishes a new Marketplace stabilization rule, even as President Trump threatens to withhold cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers.

  • 04.11.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, April 11, 2017

    HHS's position on cost-sharing reduction payments remains unclear as insurers seek certainty before Marketplace rate filing deadlines; states continue to finalize Medicaid budgets and seek waiver flexibility; and North Carolina Republicans introduce Medicaid expansion legislation.

  • 04.04.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, April 4, 2017

    Consumers could use Marketplace subsidies to purchase off-Marketplace plans under proposed Senate bill; Oklahoma and Massachusetts will pursue Medicaid and Marketplace waivers; and a Medicaid expansion bill fails in Kansas following the Governor's veto.

  • 03.30.17

    Manatt on Medicaid: Monthly Expansion Recap, March 2017

    Governor Asa Hutchinson (R) released a proposal to amend the State's Medicaid expansion waiver by lowering income eligibility for the expansion population from 138% of FPL to 100% of FPL, instituting work requirements, and modifying the State's employer-sponsored insurance premium ...

  • 03.29.17

    Medicaid's Growing Role for SUD Services in Montana

    Even as Congress and the Administration consider broad changes to healthcare reforms implemented under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—including the elimination of Medicaid expansion and deep cuts to federal Medicaid funding—Montana's Medicaid program has a unique point-in-time ...

  • 03.28.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, March 28, 2017

    States react to the failure of the AHCA; the HHS Inspector General launches an investigation into the Trump Administration's suspension of Marketplace enrollment outreach efforts; and the Kansas Legislature sends a Medicaid expansion bill to the Governor.

  • 03.27.17

    How Would Repealing Eligibility and Enrollment Provisions Impact States?

    While the focus of debate regarding repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been on Marketplaces and the Medicaid expansion, a myriad of other provisions of the ACA are at risk of repeal—including those that streamline Medicaid eligibility and enrollment systems and implement a national, ...

  • 03.23.17

    The Future of Essential Health Benefits

    EHB defines what healthcare benefits plans in the Marketplaces, as well as certain other plans, must cover—and goes to the heart of what it means to have health insurance.

  • 03.21.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, March 21, 2017

    House Republicans append a Manager's Amendment to the AHCA; HHS tells states they will have increased flexibility on Medicaid; and Florida previews its 1115 waiver amendment requests.

  • 03.16.17

    Repealing the Medicaid Expansion: Implications for Montana

    Federal decisions regarding Medicaid expansion would affect access to healthcare for more than 71,000 Montanans covered under Montana’s bipartisan Health and Economic Livelihood Partnership (HELP) Act.



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