• 01.30.19

    State AGs Keep Busy With Financial Services Cases

    State attorneys general (AGs) remain busy in the financial services industry, with an almost $500 million settlement between a for-profit college and the AGs of 48 states and Washington, D.C.

  • 01.30.19

    CFPB News: Constitutionality, Military Lending, Enforcement and More

    While the dispute over the constitutionality of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s (CFPB or Bureau) structure continues to rage, the Bureau continued to make other news, releasing a report on the Ability to Repay and Qualified Mortgage rule, while Director Kathy Kraninger asked ...

  • 01.30.19

    Court Certifies Class of Consumers in Payday Lending Suit

    A federal court in Minnesota has certified a class of consumers suing a lead generator and related payday lenders for violations of state law, rejecting the defendants’ concerns that the damages calculations would require individual inquiries.

  • 01.16.19

    FTC Bans Student Loan Debt Relief Scammers

    Student loan debt relief scammers were on the receiving end of a ban by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as part of the agency’s Operation Game of Loans.

  • 01.16.19

    State AGs Deal With Payment Processor, Mobile Apps

    In state enforcement news, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey announced a settlement with a California-based payment services provider, while New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood reached a deal with five companies related to security vulnerabilities in their mobile apps.

  • 01.15.19

    U.S. Sanctions Enforcement Against Foreign Financial Institutions Continues

    While major enforcement actions against foreign banks for U.S. sanctions violations appear to have ebbed over the past three years, the recent settlement of sanctions-related claims, which included imposition of $1.34 billion in forfeitures and penalties, against a large foreign bank is a reminder ...

  • 01.03.19

    CFPB 2018 Year in Review, and What to Expect in 2019

    Let’s call it molasses. Because that is what the Trump administration figuratively poured into the consumer protection engine known as the CFPB. 

  • 12.19.18

    CFPB: Name Restored, Kraninger Takes Helm, Enforcement and No-Action

    It’s official: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB or Bureau) has its second formal director following the Senate confirmation of Kathy Kraninger.

  • 12.19.18

    State Enforcement: Attorneys General Tackle Pension Sales and Robosigning

    State regulatory oversight continues, with Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring winning a $50 million court order, albeit by default judgment, against a pension sale company and a coalition of 42 state attorneys general working together to reach a deal over unlawful debt collection.

  • 12.19.18

    Merchant Cash Advances on the Hot Seat

    Could investigative reporting into merchant cash advances lead to enforcement action against companies that make these advances, or to potential legislation to ban certain practices inherent in this industry?



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