• 12.21.17

    To Cease and Desist Letters—Dilly Dilly

    Taking a unique spin on a standard legal document, Bud Light recently sent a medieval town crier to deliver a cease and desist letter to Modist, a Minnesota brewery.

  • 12.14.17

    Subway Loses in Sweepstakes Review Before CARU

    When advertising sweepstakes to children, Subway must do a better job disclosing material information, the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) recommended in a new decision.

  • 12.14.17

    No About-Face for Second Circuit in Face-Scanning Suit

    A video game company successfully dodged a lawsuit which claimed that face-scanning technology violated an Illinois privacy law, in a new decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.

  • 12.14.17

    Ninth Circuit: ESPN Prevails VPPA Dispute

    In the latest attempt to apply the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA) to 21st-century technology, the U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit affirmed dismissal of Chad Eichenberger’s lawsuit against ESPN Inc.

  • 12.14.17

    ‘Phantom Markdowns’ Cost Real Millions

    Purported “phantom markdowns” cost The Children’s Place $6.8 million in a settlement agreement with consumers in California federal court.

  • 12.07.17

    Sears Tries to Sell FTC on Settlement Tweaks

    Should the Federal Trade Commission revise its 2009 settlement with Sears involving the company’s data security practices?  

  • 12.07.17

    ADA Litigation Continues With Recent Settlements

    As the wave of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) litigation against online retailers continues, a handful of companies have settled lawsuits for failing to make their websites accessible to those with visual impairments.

  • 12.07.17

    Lawmakers Seek to Keep Things Private

    Federal lawmakers are considering the Consumer Privacy Protection Act of 2017, a new bill that would regulate the storage online of certain types of personal consumer information.

  • 12.07.17

    Up Next: Next Gen TV

    Targeted ads on television are likely in the future after the Federal Communications Commission gave the thumbs up to Next Generation TV technology in a recent vote.  

  • 12.07.17

    Dec. 31 Deadline to Preserve DMCA Service Provider Immunity

    By Dec. 31, 2017, eligible service providers must use a new online system at the Copyright Office to designate agents to receive Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown notices.



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