• 12.08.16

    Trump Administration Gears Up for Financial Services Changes

    With the new administration weeks from taking over, President-elect Donald J. Trump's transition team is getting ready to make changes in the financial services industry, including a potential overhaul of the Dodd-Frank Act and a reduction in corporate tax rates.

  • 12.06.16

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, December 6, 2016

    President-elect Trump taps prominent conservatives with strong anti-ACA views for his healthcare transition team; House v. Burwell proceedings on cost-sharing reductions for Marketplace plans are delayed until the new Administration; and a new report finds that one in ten New Jersey adults would ...

  • 12.01.16

    Manatt on Medicaid: Monthly Expansion Recap, November 2016

    Former Governor Jan Brewer (R), who served from 2009 to 2015, is encouraging President-elect Donald Trump to support Medicaid expansion and to examine Arizona’s model in particular, according to the Associated Press.

  • 11.29.16

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, November 29, 2016

    The incoming Trump Administration selects HHS and CMS leadership; Alaska moves forward with its proposed 1332 waiver for its ACA reinsurance program; and a new Manatt Health report considers the role of Medicaid supplemental payments in the value-based payment environment.

  • 11.28.16

    What Could Reconciliation Mean for Medicaid: Reviewing HR 3762

    President-elect Trump and leaders in Congress have proposed a major restructuring of the Medicaid program, but very significant changes to Medicaid coverage and financing could be adopted even before that debate begins as part of a reconciliation bill aimed at repealing various provisions of the ...

  • 11.23.16

    CARU Emphasizes Accurate Performance, Use Presentations for Children

    Two recent Children's Advertising Review Unit decisions emphasize the importance of providing accurate performance and use presentations for products targeted to children, as well as providing disclosures in an appropriate format.

  • 11.22.16

    The Evolving State of TV

    It’s no secret that the digital-content-consumption landscape is evolving and at an increasingly rapid clip. One byproduct of this ongoing progression is that oftentimes consumers and organizations alike are finding themselves hard pressed to keep up with the vast array of new options that ...

  • 11.22.16

    AARP Challenges EEOC’s Wellness Program Regulations

    The AARP filed suit against the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in D.C. federal court, requesting an injunction to halt the implementation of the EEOC’s new wellness program regulations.

  • 11.22.16

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, November 22, 2016

    CMS releases a wave of new regulations and guidance for Medicaid and CHIP; Michigan receives CMS approval for a lead abatement initiative; and Utah continues to push for its limited expansion of Medicaid coverage.

  • 11.21.16

    Post-Election Analysis: Healthcare Antitrust in a Trump Administration

    In a Republican sweep of all the elected branches of the federal government, Donald Trump won the presidential election and Republicans retained control of the House and Senate.



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