• 03.14.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, March 14, 2017

    CBO finds that the number of uninsured would nearly double under the American Health Care Act; CMS's new Administrator is confirmed; and New Mexico and Massachusetts move to protect reproductive healthcare under ACA repeal.

  • 03.10.17

    Future of DOL's White Collar Overtime Rule Remains Unclear

    The uncertainty surrounding the Department of Labor's (DOL) white collar overtime rule continues, with the agency requesting more time to continue its appeal of an injunction halting implementation of the rule.

  • 03.07.17

    Manatt on Health Reform: Weekly Highlights, March 7, 2017

    House Republicans release long-awaited ACA repeal and replace legislation, Arkansas proposes a new waiver amendment to lower expansion adult eligibility levels, and California and Maine are considering new policies to tackle the opioid addiction crisis.

  • 03.06.17

    Criminal Immigration Enforcement vs. Employers: The New Normal?

    On the 2016 website for then-Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, he announced that he was "committed to immigration reform that…curbs the unprecedented flow of immigration that is sapping the wages and job prospects of those living and working here today [and] an immigration ...

  • 03.06.17

    California Supreme Court: Private Emails Potentially Subject to CPRA

    The California Supreme Court unanimously held that government officials may be required to release communications made about official business on private devices and personal email accounts pursuant to California Public Record Act ("CPRA") requests.

  • 03.03.17

    Borrower Wins Key Victory in Madden v. Midland

    A federal judge has ruled that New York law—not Delaware law as the parties agreed in the initial loan agreement—applies to the defaulted borrower's claims and has certified a class action against the debt collector.

  • 03.02.17

    Capped Federal Medicaid Funding: Implications for Texas

    Under the current system, the federal government matches state spending on Medicaid so long as the state follows federal Medicaid rules.

  • 03.02.17

    Manatt on Medicaid: Monthly Expansion Recap, February 2017

    A three-judge State Appeals Court panel heard an appeal of the Maricopa County Superior Court's decision that Arizona's Medicaid expansion plan was passed legally, according to the Arizona Republic.

  • 03.02.17

    FTC Fights Back in LabMD Suit

    The Federal Trade Commission demonstrated its intention to fight for the power to regulate data security by filing a 111-page brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in which it argued that the agency properly found that LabMD's practices ran afoul of the law.

  • 02.28.17

    Medicaid at a Crossroads: What's at Stake?

    Today, Medicaid is the nation's largest health insurer and the single largest payer in every state, covering more than 20 percent of the total U.S. population.



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