• 07.10.17

    Financial Services Law—CFPB Bans Most Consumer Arbitrations

    Today, and to no one’s surprise, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced a final rule that prevents banks and other covered providers of specified consumer financial products from incorporating or enforcing predispute mandatory arbitration to the extent that the clause bars ...

  • 07.07.17

    Court Rules That ADA Applies to Website

    In what is believed to be the first court to hold a trial on the applicability of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to a retailer’s website, a federal court judge in Florida ruled that Winn-Dixie supermarkets can be liable under the federal statute for operating an inaccessible site.

  • 07.07.17

    Landowner Waives Right to Challenge Permit Conditions

    Can a landowner accept the benefits of a permit while simultaneously rejecting the burdens of that very same permit? 

  • 06.29.17

    Revocation? Think Again.

    On Thursday, the U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit issued what might be the most business-friendly Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) decision we have seen in a long time in Reyes v. Lincoln Automotive Financial Services.

  • 06.29.17

    FTC, Amazon Refund Consumers

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) mailed almost $2 million to consumers for bogus weight loss products while Amazon launched the refund process as part of its deal with the agency in an action involving in-app purchases by children.

  • 06.29.17

    California Supreme Court Restricts Implied Dedication Rule

    Many large private landowners record notices under the provisions of the Civil Code in order to ensure that public use of their property does not morph into an implied dedication of their land to the public.

  • 06.29.17

    Manatt on Medicaid: Monthly Expansion Recap, June 2017

    Senate Republicans introduced a “discussion draft” of their ACA repeal and replace bill, the “Better Care Reconciliation Act” (BCRA), which maintains authority for the ACA Medicaid expansion but eliminates enhanced federal funding over a three-year period beginning in 2021.

  • 06.29.17

    DOL Withdraws Obama-Era Guidance, Promises More Change

    The new Secretary of Labor officially withdrew the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) guidance on joint employment and independent contractors, although the agency cautioned in a news release that the removal does not change the legal responsibilities of employers under applicable law.

  • 06.29.17

    Full Disclosure: Instagram to Help Influencers With Compliance

    On the heels of dozens of letters sent by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to influencers and marketers, cautioning them to make appropriate disclosures on social media, Instagram announced that it will make the disclosure process easier for its users.

  • 06.28.17

    Manatt Digital—Social Disruption Edition

    With more than 3 billion users worldwide, messaging apps have surpassed social networks in both reach and retention.



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