• 10.25.16

    Manatt Negotiates Plan to Help Assure Voting Efficiency in AZ

    Manatt's John McGuinness, a partner in the firm’s litigation practice, led a Manatt team that successfully negotiated with Arizona officials for an agreement that represents a major step forward in assuring the voting rights for individuals in the state’s Maricopa County are ...

  • 10.25.16

    What to Do if Your Insurer Has Left the Exchange

    CBS MoneyWatch interviewed Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about what consumers should do if their health insurance company is pulling out of the exchange business next year.Ario’s advice was four-fold: First, Ario advised consumers to watch ...

  • 10.25.16

    Wayne Kirkpatrick Songs Purchased by Downtown Music

    Music Business Worldwide covered Wayne Kirkpatrick’s sale of songs to Downtown Music Publishing, a transaction that was handled by Manatt's music lawyers. Gary Gilbert, co-chair of the firm’s music practice, and counsel Michael Rexford represented Wayne Kirkpatrick, a ...

  • 10.24.16

    Off-Exchange Market Poses New Questions for Health Insurance

    Modern Healthcare quoted Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about how the ACA marketplace compares with the off-exchange health insurance market.The publication reports that one reason some consumers go off the exchanges is that they find it simpler to ...

  • 10.24.16

    KY Medicaid Waiver Proposes Radical Changes

    The Hill Extra quoted Manatt’s Deborah Bachrach, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article about the extended comment period for the controversial Kentucky Medicaid waiver. CMS extended the comment period after receiving an unprecedented number of responses to the proposal to change ...

  • 10.24.16

    The Fintech Revolution Comes to Regional and Community Banks

    Thousands of regional and community banks are turning to fintech in order to meet the needs of customers who demand services on their computers, tablets and phones, according to a new report by Manatt.

  • 10.21.16

    Reinsurance Could Aid in Costs That Cause Higher Premiums

    The Wall Street Journal quoted Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, in an article about the discussion surrounding changes to the Affordable Care Act that are in response to rising insurance premiums. Pressure is coming from insurers, who say without reform they will be ...

  • 10.20.16

    M&A Gives Technology Companies a Leg Up on Competition

    Close-Up Media Inc. interviewed Manatt’s Hale Boggs, chair of Manatt Digital, and Ben Orlanski, chair of the firm’s mergers and acquisitions practice, for an article about Manatt Digital’s study, “Shaping the Future: Trends in Digital Media and Frontier Technologies ...

  • 10.20.16

    Alliance Health, Medsource Rx Defeat Prolific TCPA Filer

    Law360 covered Manatt’s representation of Alliance Health Networks LLC and Medsource Rx Pharmacy LLC in an appellate victory in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit against a Telephone Consumer Protection Act class action suit. A team led by Christine Reilly, co-chair of the ...

  • 10.19.16

    Affordable Care Act Marketplaces Likely to Continue Growing

    The Hill quoted Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about the Obama administration’s final push to solidify the Affordable Care Act before leaving office. The administration has projected that about one million more people will sign up for ...



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