• 03.07.16

    FCPA and AML Enforcement Review—"Follow the Money:" Liberty Case Review

    This month we highlight three recent instances where the federal enforcement agencies have announced settlements, prosecutions and orders in their continued efforts to "follow the money" down the twin rabbit holes of bribes payments and money laundering. The SEC announced settlements in ...

  • 03.05.16

    Memo to Ivy League: Significance of Football Concussions Is That (Not When) They Occur

    Last week the Ivy League schools prohibited tackling in football practice but not in games. If the Surgeon General of the United States had acted in a similar way regarding cigarettes, the warning on each package would read: "Smoking causes lung cancer, etc., so please only smoke on ...

  • 03.01.16

    Crowdfunding: Disclosing Both the Pros and the Cons?

    Large real estate equity and debt transactions are traditionally funded by large institutions such as REITs and life insurance companies investing in companies or joint ventures with only one or two investors. At the other end of the scale, historically a local real estate developer or investor ...

  • 03.01.16

    4,744 (Comments) and Counting

    4,744. That is how many comments have been submitted to the FDA as of March 1 in response to its call for comments on the use of the word "natural" on food (including dietary supplement) product labels.By way of brief background, unlike the claims "healthy" and "organic," currently there is no ...

  • 02.29.16

    California Water Bond Funding Will Begin to Flow

    The California Water Commission ("CWC") is the state agency that has been charged with overseeing the allocation of the funds. The CWC is currently accepting written public comments through March 14, 2016, and accepting concept papers until March 31, 2016. The CWC must develop regulations ...

  • 02.29.16

    Poll With Tim Tebow as Fifth Most Popular NFL Quarterback Illustrates America's Hunger for Heroes

    Despite not having played last season (or much at all in the past few seasons), Tim Tebow, in a poll released by Public Policy Polling earlier this month, was rated as the fifth most popular NFL quarterback, trailing, in order, only Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers and Cam Newton, all of ...

  • 02.22.16

    Commercial Real Estate Opportunities in the Emerging Cannabis Industry

    Retail, multi-family, office building and industrial real estate need to move over once again to make room for another niche sector ostensibly related to health care. The newest emerging commercial real estate market truly is a virgin market-cannabis real estate. Marijuana is the fastest-growing ...

  • 02.21.16

    Rams' New Home Field Eliminates Home Court Advantage

    Football franchises, like any other business in the U.S., are free to move where they like. The NFL purports to encourage loyalty to the cities where it is currently doing business at any given time, but the many franchise moves in history-usually motivated by economics-call that encouragement into ...

  • 02.17.16

    Navigating Native: A Checklist of Compliance Steps for Ensuring Proper Disclosures for Native Ads

    At its root, native advertising was designed to be the solution to a problem that had plagued content platforms and brands looking to advertise online—consumers would click on traditional online ads, such as banners, only by accident. Thus, to increase the likelihood that consumers will ...

  • 02.15.16

    ACA Tax Reporting: Lessons From 5 Successful Marketplaces

    In tax year 2014, health insurance marketplaces faced the new requirement of reporting information about qualified health plan enrollment to enrollees through Form 1095-A. While there was significant concern that the marketplaces would fail to meet this new obligation, the 14 states and the ...



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