• 10.11.16

    Patents for Computer Applications, Not Medical Diagnostics?

    U.S. Patents 6,307,576 (“the ’576 patent”) and 6,611,278 (“the ’278 patent”) related to automating part of a preexisting 3-D animation method. As explained in the background of the patents, the admitted prior art method used multiple 3-D models of a ...

  • 10.10.16

    States, Business Groups and House Push Back on DOL Overtime Rules

    Why it matters Opponents of the Department of Labor’s (DOL) new overtime rules set to take effect on Dec. 1 have come out swinging. A coalition of 21 states filed a lawsuit in Texas asserting that the rules contradict both congressional intent and the statutory text of the exemption while a ...

  • 10.07.16

    Recently Enacted TSCA Reform Will Fundamentally Change U.S. Chemical Regulation

     Astonishingly, in an election year and at a time of unprecedented partisanship, this past June, Congress adopted significant reforms to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) with sweeping support from both sides of the aisle. In the words of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ...

  • 10.07.16

    3 Modest Proposals for the IOC Drug Summit

    On October 10, the International Olympic Committee will host in Lausanne, Switzerland, what its press release called an anti-doping summit focusing on "the protection of clean athletes and, more specifically, on a review of the WADA [World Anti-Doping Agency] anti-doping system." Given ...

  • 10.03.16

    Kaine, Pence Have Clear Missions at VP Debate

    Tomorrow’s vice presidential debate most likely won’t capture the voters’ imagination, and it will certainly not draw as many viewers as last week’s presidential debate, but it could still play a meaningful tactical role.The recent history of vice presidential debates bears ...

  • 09.29.16

    CARU: Sponsored Videos Need Clear, Prominent Audio Disclosures

    Taking a stand on social media influencers and the “unboxing” video trend, the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) recommended that popular YouTube channels starring a ten-year-old and his family add a prominent audio disclosure before each new sponsored video. Evan and his ...

  • 09.29.16

    FinCEN Warns of E-Mail Compromise Schemes

    Financial institutions should be aware of a growing number of e-mail compromise schemes, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) warned in a new advisory bulletin.What happenedDeveloped in coordination with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the U.S. Secret Service, ...

  • 09.28.16

    Level the Chemical Playing Field

    The continuous stream of performance-enhancing doping news plaguing international sport was headlined recently with an acronym that will be new to probably well over 99 percent of the public: TUE — therapeutic use exemptions. Indeed, that newness illustrates the primary problem with TUEs: ...

  • 09.26.16

    Incumbency Bodes Well for the Real Estate Market

    The presidential election season can be a difficult time for the commercial real estate market. Uncertainty about the future financial and regulatory climate often leaves investors, developers and owners waiting on the sidelines for the outcome of the election. As the 2016 presidential election ...

  • 09.22.16

    Consumer Groups Urge FTC Action on Influencers

    Consumer groups are urging the Federal Trade Commission to review comments by social media influencers for possible violations of the agency's guidance regarding nondisclosed native advertising.Public Citizen, the Center for Digital Democracy, and the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood ...



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