• 06.11.17

    Class Warfare: Higher Education Is About to Become the Next Political Battlefield

    For decades, both nationally and here in New York, elected officials focused on higher education policies when they were thinking about their legacies, from former President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Higher Education Act to a grant program championed by U.S. Sen. Claiborne Pell. But in terms of ...

  • 06.08.17

    Senator to FTC: Are Kids Safe With Smart Toys?

    By Richard P. Lawson, Partner, Advertising, Marketing and MediaFollowing up on a previous letter, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) sent a second missive to the Federal Trade Commission asking about the agency’s efforts to protect children’s privacy with respect to so-called smart ...

  • 06.05.17

    Call Me, Maybe: The TCPA's Impact on Technology Used for Consumer Communications

    The widespread adoption of mobile technology has enabled businesses to better connect with potential and existing customers and increase customer engagement. But, as Spiderman’s Uncle Ben warned us, with greater power comes greater responsibility. In the consumer marketing and engagement ...

  • 06.05.17

    Supreme Court Won't Weigh In on FLSA Definition of "Wages"

    Why it mattersThe U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari in a case defining what constitutes “wages” to calculate overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act, leaving in place the expansive interpretation adopted by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The city of San ...

  • 06.02.17

    Does “Lease Language” Create a Lease?

    With less traditional arrangements, such as co-working office spaces becoming increasingly prevalent, the line between leases and contractual arrangements that do not create a possessory interest in real property, such as licenses, can sometimes be difficult to determine. Parties may even attempt ...

  • 06.01.17

    What to Consider When Subleasing Office Space

    In many markets, large blocks of office space are scarce. A company may decide to lease more space than needed in order to reserve space for future growth. When this strategy is executed, the cost can be mitigated by subleasing. Prospective subtenants, on the other hand, may want to sublease for a ...

  • 06.01.17

    Court Looks to Ink Decision in Tattoo Copyright Dispute

    By Jesse M. Brody, Partner, Advertising, Marketing and MediaThe question of whether infringement occurs if a copyrighted tattoo is shown during a video game may soon be answered, after a federal court judge in New York moved a lawsuit forward earlier this week.Solid Oak Sketches filed ...

  • 05.31.17

    Creating Public Property

    "One thing that should be rather clear in our system of reciprocal rights is that the right to own and use property—to the exclusion of all others—is a fundamental constitutional right. Both the U.S. and California Constitutions say so expressly. Indeed, the U.S. Supreme Court has ...

  • 05.30.17

    Spotlight on the False Claims Act May 2017

    By Kenneth B. Julian, Partner | John F. Libby, Partner | Jacqueline C. Wolff, PartnerWhy it matters: Pronouncements by DOJ officials in April 2017 signaled that the DOJ will be "business as usual" with respect to pursuing white collar crime, including the False Claims ...

  • 05.25.17

    President's Executive Order on Cybersecurity: Impact on Banks Unclear

    President Donald Trump has signed an executive order addressing cybersecurity. But for financial institutions, is the executive order much ado about nothing? Not exactly.What happenedOn May 11, President Trump issued an Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal ...



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